young hands on top of senior hands

The Visitation Ministry exists to help in meeting the spiritual needs of the sick and shut-in and provide services on behalf of the Pastors and our church community.

If you have a heart for those from our church family who are currently in the hospital, assisted-living locations, nursing homes, rehab or homebound, we would love to have you as part of our team. We desire to inspire our whole church family to stay connected through heart-to heart visits, being tethered to God’s Word, and joining in prayer. You will receive (and share) helpful hints about making a great visit and inspire others who are faithful in this ministry.

Duties include, but are not limited to:

  • Visitations upon request of members or their family
  • Maintaining phone call follow-ups to the homebound or hospitalized
  • Provide notification to the Pastor or representative and the Visitation Ministry Team
  • Keeping the Church office updated on the condition of the sick and homebound

Contact the Church Office to learn more or to become a part of the Ministry.

If you are or know of anyone who is sick or shut-in, or anything that might qualify as needing a visit, please notify the church office so we can collect the necessary information from you to get the process started.

baby sitting next to teddy bear

We are here to help. When a new church family or preschool family has a new baby we want to welcome them with open arms.

  • Birth Gift
  • Meal assistance for family upon arriving home from the hospital
  • Baptism
  • Childcare during Worship Services.
graduates throwing their caps up in the air

Do you have a child going to college this fall?
We want to connect your child with someone who will pray for and send a care packages to your child throughout the school year. If you would like your student to receive a care package, please fill out this form, and we will connect your student with someone in our church community. Forms also available at the Welcome Desk.

College Care Sponsor
If you are interested in praying for and sending our care packages to a college student, we will provide you with a student’s information during the month of September. To be a sponsor, please contact Carmen Kieley at [email protected] or the Church Office.

​Don’t want to write? Consider donating funds for postage, stationary, and gift cards. If you have questions, please contact Carmen Kieley at [email protected] or the Church Office.

Packing Parties
Two times a year, our Care Ministry comes together and packs college care packages for our DFLC collect students. Those packages are filled with donated items (oatmeal packets, granola bars, candy, gum, mints, kleenex packets, lip balm — you get the idea), a devotional, a trinket or fast-food gift cards, and lots of love. The packages are prayed over before they are mailed, and our students across the country receive a fun bit of “snail mail” in their mailbox.

​Sharing with our students the message that DFLC remains a constant in their lives and Jesus’ love is always present feels more important than ever.

​Being a college student teachers us many things. What we hope our college students learn, more than anything from receiving a care package, is that their church family loves them, misses them and is always ready to welcome them home.

​Packages will be sent to ALL college students whether they are AT HOME or AWAY.

holding hands during prayer

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. – Matthew 18:20

Prayers are submitted through:

  • The Church Website
  • Connection Cards
  • The Church Office
  • The Prayer Chain

​If you need prayers or know of someone who needs prayers please feel free to contact the Church Office.

​”My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.” – Isaiah 56:7

Finished shawls

Prayer Shawl Ministry meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 9:30am-11am in the Sunset Room (Worship Center). If you would like to become more active in the church, Prayer Shawl could be your answer. We provide the yarn, patterns, and needles if you need them. Meeting attendance is not a requirement; you can stitch from home if that is more convenient. Contact the Church Office and we will get you started.

​If you know of someone who would benefit from a prayer shawl, please contact the Church Office. We do ship if someone in need is out of town.

woman extending out hand
Individuals are needed to follow up with DFLCers who have been missed in worship over a period of time. Team members can call, email, text to check in and offer prayers if needed. You serve from the comfort of your home, reaching out to four – six people per week. Training and scripts are provided. Contact the Church Office and we will get you started.
pasta and wine on table

This Ministry blesses families with a ready-to-eat meal delivered right to their home. Giving families one less thing to be concerned about as they get back into the swing of things.

​Just pick up a container from the Church Office, make a meal to freeze, and we’ll make sure it gets to a family in need.

​For more information contact: Connie Kozma at [email protected].

baby girl crochet booties

Individuals interested in sharing their talent by crocheting, knitting or sewing baby blankets, booties, or caps can deliver their finished gifts to the Church Office. The baby booties and caps are given to the pregnant women after their positive pregnancy test and they are deciding to carry.

women writing letters

This is an easy way to make a difference in someone’s life and let them know that Jesus Christ loves them. We celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, getting a handwritten card in the mail is often the perfect pick-me-up for down days. And sending words of faith, friendship and encouragement is a mood-booster for the letter writer too! Commit to spreading Christ’s love with a brief note of prayer or cheer. Contact the church office to learn more or to get started!

nurse assisting older person with weights

Our Health and Wellness team will be actively involved in the life of our Church. Some of their responsibilities will include:

  • Monthly blood pressure checks.
  • On-call during all Worship Services.
  • Scheduling blood drives.
  • On-site for special events and activities.
  • Home visits upon special request.
  • Explaining tests or procedures to reduce anxiety.
  • Monthly newsletter articles on a featured area of concern.
  • Maintaining all First Aid Kits and “Go Pack”.
  • Arranging for third-party screenings and testings.
  • Maintaining continuing education and certification needs.

​We are so blessed to have such dedicated people associated with our Health and Wellness team. If you are a registered nurse, doctor, medical assistant, physical therapist, nutritionist, dietician, etc. and would like to be involved in the healing and wholeness ministries of our Church, please contact the church office and someone from the team will be in contact with you.

​Team: Donna Furlong, MSN, RN NEA-BC/Banner Health